However, there is some contention about who brought the rain. Farmer Bill doesn't currently have any way to water his apple trees with the irrigation system. The long dry spell - and the lack of certain rain in the forecast - had him sending one of his crew out to water the trees manually. They use a huge tank (500 gallons I believe) mounted on a small trailer; the tank has hose outlets and a crew of 1 to 3 people can haul the trailer to water anything not accessible by the irrigation system. One of our guys was out giving each tree a drink - parking the trailer at the end of the rows and hauling the hose up and down when he felt sprinkles. He called Farmer Bill to ask whether he should keep watering & Farmer Bill looked at the sky, looked at the radar online, and told him to keep going - the real rain was going to miss us. So Michael kept watering. Just like washing your car generally brings rain that day or the next, so does watering.
So, what brought the rain - me washing my car or Michael watering the trees? We'll never know, but we'll always take the rain!